Ravenshead Surgery
01623 888503
5 Nottingham Road, Ravenshead, Nottinghamshire NG15 9HG
Opening Hours:
Mon to Fri 9:00am - 6:30pm
Sat 9:30am - 11:30am
Closed Bank Holidays
Redhill Surgery
0115 967 9777
238 Mansfield Road, Redhill
Nottingham NG5 8JY
Opening Hours:
Please contact the surgery for
opening hours and appointments.
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Emergency Numbers
01246 930562 0115 8371194
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Petcare Leaflets - written by vets, loved by pets
The Animal Welfare Foundation have produced a range of helpful leaflets for pet owners. These guides help to safeguard pets, educate owners and support vets in their daily work.
Information provided is for guidance and should not be used to diagnose or treat a veterinary problem. If you think your pet is sick or injured you must consult a vet.
-DOWNLOAD- Pets and Poisons
What do slug pellets, chocolates and lilies have in common? They are things which are found in lots of homes that can poison our pets. Use our simple guide to help you keep your pets safe when they are at home.
This leaflet includes:
advice on what to do if you think your pet has been poisoned.
a list of things that are often eaten by pets.
tips on how to prevent poisoning in the garden.
-DOWNLOAD- Happy Pets
Have you ever wondered if your pet is happy? Did you know that you have a legal duty of care towards your pet? This leaflet explains:
what we mean by ‘happy pets’
your pet’s five welfare needs.
what you need to do to meet your pet’s needs and keep them happy.
-DOWNLOAD- Pre & Post Operative Care
Your pet will probably need to have some kind of sedation or anaesthetic at some point in its life. It may surprise you at first that things like dental treatments or an x-ray need an animal to be fully anaesthetised.
This leaflet includes a step by step guide on what to expect before an operation; tips on preparing your home for your pet’s return and how your pet may react after anaesthetic.
The advice is general and as always you must listen to and follow your vet’s specific advice about your pet.
-DOWNLOAD- Feeding and Exercise
Carrying a bit of extra weight or losing too much weight can lead to your pet suffering from serious weight related health problems.
A pet with a poor body condition, whether over or under-weight may become unhappy because it cannot meet its behavioural needs. For example, it can restrict their ability to carry out natural behaviours such as socialising, playing, climbing or hiding. This can lead to frustration, stress and even fear.
Download this leaflet to find simple information on how you can maintain the proper weight for your pet.
-DOWNLOAD- Saying Goodbye
As a pet owner you will eventually have to cope with the difficult experience of losing the animal that you love. You may be faced with having to take the decision for your vet to end your pet's life to avoid their suffering.
'Saying goodbye - the ultimate kindness' will tell you everything you need to know about euthanasia - the act of putting your animal to sleep - so that you know what to expect and the choices that you will have.
-DOWNLOAD- Guinea Pigs
Our ‘Caring for guinea pigs’ leaflet contains loads of advice and tips including:
why you shouldn’t give your guinea pigs muesli style dry food
examples of normal guinea pig behaviour
how to protect your guinea pigs from illness and injury
-DOWNLOAD- Rabbits
Rabbits remain one of the most popular pets, particularly for children. But what do rabbits need to be happy? What do they really like to eat? Read our ‘Caring for rabbits’ leaflet for advice including:
why rabbits should not be kept alone or with guinea pigs
descriptions of normal rabbit behaviour
what makes a good rabbit home
-DOWNLOAD- Chickens
Find out how to keep happy hens with "Keeping pet chickens: a prospective owner’s guide". This leaflet provides lots of useful information including:
which breed to choose
how to house your chickens
what to feed your chickens
Goats can be curious, friendly and rewarding pets, but they need daily care and a lot of commitment. They are social animals who should not be kept alone. ‘An introduction to goat keeping’ tells you what you need to think about before deciding to keep goats. It explains how to keep them healthy and happy. Find out:
the facilities and space your goats need
which breed to choose
how to spot a healthy goat and common health problems
-DOWNLOAD- Ferrets
Ferrets are intelligent and can live for 8 -10 years. Like teenagers they enjoy their sleep but once awake can be very active and require lots of stimulation. This leaflet includes advice on:
how to ferret-proof your home and garden
information about neutering
how to feed, house and toilet train ferrets
-See More- Pet Travel
For the latest information please see the Government websites. If you are a pet owner please visit DEFRA for further information on taking your pet abroad. DEFRA have also created industry-specific guidance on pet travel for Vets. See our latest Pet Travel Update.
-See More- Pet Detectives
Owning a pet is a big commitment, lasting years. Children and parents often don't think about the practical and financial aspects of pet owning, such as giving it sufficient housing and protection, paying for vet fees, pet insurance etc.
Unwanted pets that have proved too demanding to be looked after by their owners form a significant amount of the shelter population and euthanasia cases, representing a significant welfare problem.
This series of books is written by Emma Milne, with each book focusing on a different species of popular pet, will encourage responsible pet ownership from a young age, outlining the needs of pets and the responsibilities of owners, in a fun and authoritative way.
The reader is the detective, assigned to work out whether the pet is right for them based on its 5 welfare needs.
the need for a suitable environment
the need for a suitable diet
the need to be able to exhibit normal behaviour patterns
the need to be housed with, or apart from, other animals
the need to be protected from pain, suffering, injury and disease
Lost Pets
Animal Search UK is the LARGEST missing and found pet organisation in the UK. They help to reunite approximately 15,000 pets per year. Animal Search UK can offer FREE specialist help whether you have lost or found a pet.
Animal Search UK has over 200,000 pets reported to date, 80,500 UK wide volunteers and over 35,000 followers on Social Media.
Social Media: Facebook
There are several local "Lost and Found" groups